Audacy can emerge from bankruptcy — and expects to do so within days — after gaining FCC approval Monday. The Federal ...
Audacy will continue to focus on sports radio and podcasts, buoyed by assets acquired in a merger with CBS Radio in 2017.
The Federal Communications Commission said Monday it had voted to approve the transfer of radio station licenses to allow ...
The FCC, as expected, has approved of Audacy Inc.'s plan to emerge from debtor-in-possession status — a move that makes Soros ...
The FCC has approved the plan of Audacy, the second-largest radio company in the United States by revenue, to exit Chapter 11 ...
Audacy host Mike Adam caught up with singer Isabel LaRosa in the Hard Rock Artist Lounge backstage at this year’s ‘We Can ...
The Federal Communications Commission has granted approval for a reorganized Audacy, enabling company to emerge from Chapter ...
The US House Committee on Oversight and Accountability is opening an investigation on the FCC over George Soros' potential ...
据福克斯新闻网26日报道,美国联邦通信委员会(FCC)加快批准了一项决定,允许“金融大鳄”、民主党大金主乔治·索罗斯收购破产重组的Audacy公司旗下200多家广播电台的大部分股权。报道称,由于担心“政治化”和干涉美国总统大选,共和党领导的众议院监督 ...
据福克斯新闻网26日报道,美国联邦通信委员会(FCC)加快批准了一项决定,允许“金融大鳄”、民主党大金主乔治·索罗斯收购破产重组的Audacy公司旗下200多家广播电台的大部分股权。报道称,由于担心“政治化”和干涉美国总统大选,共和党领导的众议院监督 ...
"While we do not take a position on the merits of this or any particular broadcast transaction, it is essential that the ...