The portion of Jalan Sultan Ismail in the city centre that was damaged by a burst pipe is expected to be fully completed ...
(吉隆坡24日讯)因被指控拒绝与商贩会面解决摊位清空问题,旺沙玛珠国会议员扎希哈山昨晚针对相关指控,前往文良港警局报案。根据网传视频,旺沙沙里人民组屋一群商贩称扎希哈山忽视他们,且未能解决吉隆坡市政局(DBKL)发出的清空通知。这段近10 ...
KEPONG residents want Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL) to build more council parking bays along Jalan Vista Mutiara 1 in Kepong ...
扎丽哈呼吁商家耐心等待。(图取自DBKL) 联邦直辖区部长扎丽哈博士敦促印度清真寺路(Jalan Masjid India)的商家保持耐心,此前有抱怨称修复导致一名印度游客失踪的坑洞需要三到六个月的时间。
A residents’ association has called on Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL) to end “lottery draws” run by a developer to compensate ...
DBKL澄清说,印度清真寺路附近的“第三宗”地陷,实际上是雪州水供公司此前水管修复工作的结果。(档案照) (吉隆坡30日讯)吉隆坡市政局 ...
AFTER more than a decade of neglect, the Little India Dancers sculpture in Brickfields, Kuala Lumpur, became a haunt for ...
安华表示对女游客坠深坑事件表示同情,并强调他作为一个人,无论是穆斯林、基督教徒、兴都教徒或佛教徒,每一个公民的 ...
Wangsa Maju MP Zahir Hassan has lodged a police report against traders who allegedly made defamatory statements about him in ...
For another, KL residents need not fear, as the latest hole it's not another sinkhole. The Malay Mail reported that the ...
Have you ever wondered if there is anything you can do before a sinkhole forms or collapses? Especially after the sinkhole ...