Equinor ( NYSE: EQNR) has signed "all major contracts" to build the ~$9B Raia natural gas development off Brazil's coast that ...
Equinor has abandoned plans to export so-called blue hydrogen to Germany, citing growing expense and a lack of demand. Norway ...
Equinor ASA has signed “all major contracts” to build a major natural gas development off the coast of Brazil that is ...
The Norwegian country announced that it has scrapped its plans for exporting to Germany Equinor has announced that it no ...
Equinor Energy AS completed a second well further delineating the 2023 Norwegian North Sea Heisenberg oil and gas discovery.
Key takeaways Equinor has canceled its plans to export blue hydrogen to Germany due to financial constraints. The Norwegian ...
Please see below information about transactions made under the third tranche of the 2024 share buy-back programme for ...
Norwegian state-controlled energy giant Equinor is excited about nearing first oil from its Bacalhau pre-salt project and has ...
Reuters reports that Norway's Equinor has scrapped plans to export so-called blue hydrogen to Germany because it is too ...
中化新网讯 近日,挪威能源巨头Equinor表示,该公司将加大对海上石油和天然气项目的投资,计划在2035年之前每年投资600亿至700亿挪威克朗,用于海上石油和天然气项目的开发。该投资计划的实施是基于对全球化石燃料将保持强劲需求的预测。 挪威是欧洲最大的天然气供应国和主要石油生产国,但其现有的主要海上油气田的产量已经放缓,而且没有在21世纪30年代进行新开发的计划。 Equinor首席执行官An ...
Norway's Equinor has scrapped plans to export so-called blue hydrogen to Germany because it is too expensive and there is ...
A joint venture of Equinor and DNO has drilled a second successful appraisal well on a promising discovery in Norway's ...