(伦敦讯)英国资深女演员Dame Maggie Smith(玛姬史密斯),因在《哈利波特》(Harry Potter)系列电影中饰演“麦教授”一角而广为人知。新加坡时间27日晚,玛姬史密斯的儿子Chris Larkin(克里斯拉金)与Toby ...
曾获奥斯卡最佳女主角、在电影《哈利波特》中饰演「麦教授」一角的英国资深女演员玛姬史密斯(Maggie Smith)女爵,于伦敦时间清晨在医院安详辞世,享年89岁。
饰演电影《哈利波特》麦教授的英国资深女演员玛姬史密斯(Dame Maggie Smith),在台湾时间27日传出离世消息,享寿89岁,她的演员儿子克里斯拉金、托比史蒂芬斯也已证实这项不幸消息。据英国《BBC》报导,英国资深女 ...
美国中文网报道 因出演《哈利波特》和《唐顿庄园》而闻名全球的英国女演员玛吉·史密斯(Maggie Smith)去世,享年89岁。史密斯的两个儿子向媒体证实,他们的母亲于周五在伦敦一家医院去世。亲属们在一份声明中说:“她留下了两个儿子和五个可爱的孙子,他们 ...
包括《 英国 广播公司》(BBC)在内多间英媒9月27日报道,在《哈利波特》系列 电影 中饰演“麦教授”的英国女星Maggie Smith逝世,终年89岁。 Maggie Smith的儿子Toby Stephens与Chris Larkin在一份声明中表示:“9月27日周五清晨,她在医院安详地去世。” ...
La rinomata attrice britannica Maggie Smith, famosa per il suo ruolo nella serie di Harry Potter e in Downton Abbey, è deceduta a 89 anni. Durante la sua carriera, ha vinto due premi Oscar. Smith ha l ...
Maggie Smith's credits include career-defining performances in 'Downton Abbey' and 'The Prime Of Miss Jean Brodie' as well as ...
The Oscar-winning actor, known for her roles as Violet Crawley in 'Downton Abbey' and no-nonsense Professor McGonagall in the ...
Two-time Oscar winner Maggie Smith died Friday at age 89. Click in find out about 10 films starring the acting legend that ...
Maggie Smith had a lengthy career as an actress, appearing in numerous films and TV shows over the years. Learn more about ...
Dame Maggie Smith, the British screen and stage actress best known for her roles in the Harry Potter franchise and on Downton ...