Microsoft said Tuesday that Russian operatives have in recent weeks intensified their online attacks on Vice President Kamala ...
The fabricated story was created by the Kremlin-aligned Storm-1516, one of several disinformation efforts targeting the ...
A new Microsoft threat intelligence report details how Russia-linked actors are now going full throttle in their covert ...
SAN FRANCISCO - Russian propagandists are escalating attacks on the presidential campaign of Vice President Kamala Harris ...
Microsoft said the Russian campaign aims to "sow discord and spread misinformation" ahead of the November presidential ...
A report released this week by Microsoft detailed several election interference efforts linked to Russia targeting the Harris ...
Microsoft Vice Chair and President Brad Smith said Wednesday that there are “real and serious” threats of foreign actors ...
Russian actors are trying to discredit the vice president and her running mate, Tim Walz, in the lead-up to the November ...
Microsoft said Russians made a viral video falsely accusing Vice President Harris of a hit-and-run. Per a Tuesday report from ...
Russian operatives are ramping up disinformation operations to malign Vice President Kamala Harris's campaign by ...
El video fue visto millones de veces en las redes sociales, pero algunos espectadores desconfiaron: en él aparecía una joven ...
(法新社华盛顿17日电) 微软今天指出,美国大选进入倒数阶段之际,俄罗斯特工正加大力道传播假讯息,利用充满阴谋论的影片来抹黑民主党总统候选人贺锦丽。 微软(Microsoft)在报告中表示,自8月底开始,1个与克里姆林宫勾结、名为「风暴-1516」(Storm-1516)的网路团体便制作了两支假影片,用以抹黑贺锦丽(Kamala Harris)和她的竞选搭档华兹(Tim ...