The proposed Nippon Steel acquisition of USS does not threaten national security, but the president’s rejection of the deal ...
An arbitration board has ruled that U.S. Steel may proceed with its proposed acquisition by Nippon Steel. The board, which ...
U.S. Steel said on Wednesday an arbitration board had ruled in favour of Nippon Steel's $14.9 billion buyout of the company, ...
A Nippon Steel-U.S. Steel merger, particularly if it bolsters the steel industry in the U.S., is a good thing. If it is not ...
An arbitration board has ruled in favor of Nippon Steel Corp in its $14.9 billion acquisition of United States Steel ...
The sale of U.S. Steel to the Japanese company Nippon cleared another hurdle on Wednesday after the company said it met all ...
随着美国钢铁公司(US Steel)收购案所面临的阻力增加,日本最大钢铁制造商新日本制铁公司(Nippon Steel,新日铁)与美国政府的磋商正迎来关键时刻。有消息称,新日铁副董事长兼执行副总裁森高弘紧急访美,试图挽救这笔149亿美元的交易。
【文/观察者网 熊超然】自去年年底宣布以来,日本最大钢铁企业新日本制铁公司(Nippon Steel,新日铁)收购美国钢铁公司(US Steel)的计划便反复遇挫,在美国国内招致强烈反弹,不仅成为大选中的关键议题,也让美日关系遇到挫折。
在近期的市场波动中,美国钢铁公司(US Steel)提出的149亿美元收购案成为焦点。作为历史悠久、曾代表美国经济实力的巨头,这笔交易不仅引起了投资者的广泛关注,也引发了政界的强烈反响。拜登政府被曝将以国家安全为由阻止这项交易的决定,副总统哈里斯和前总统特朗普也纷纷表态反对,使得整个收购案的前景蒙上了一层阴影。
As mandated by the BLA, Nippon Steel has recognized the USW as the bargaining representative for USW-represented employees at U.S. Steel, provided reasonable assurances of its willingness and ...
汇通财经APP讯——【日本制铁称美国外国投资委员会未就美国钢铁交易提供最新信息】9月5日讯,日本制铁公司(Nippon Steel)9月5日表示,尚未收到美国外国投资委员会(CFIUS)就该公司拟斥资149亿美元收购美国钢铁公司一事的任何最新进展。“从监管审查程序一开始,我们就向政府明确表示,我们不认为这项交易会产生任何国家安全问题。”此前有消息称,美国总统拜登将以国家安全为由阻止日本制铁对美国钢 ...