Salesforce 最近在企业服务领域再次发力,宣布收购 Zoomin,这是一款专为企业整理知识和文档而设计的高效工具。这一举措预示着企业知识管理将迎来一场新的革命。 尽管具体的交易金额尚未公开,但 Salesforce ...
周三,KeyBanc Capital Markets在 (NYSE:CRM)宣布收购非结构化数据管理公司Zoomin后,维持了对其股票的行业权重评级。此次收购旨在增强Salesforce的Data ...
Salesforce has bought out Zoomin, a startup developing a tool to organize all the knowledge and documentation across an ...
品玩9月25日讯,据 TechCrunch 报道,Salesforce 今天宣布了收购企业知识平台 Zoomin 的计划。 Zoomin由Gal Oron、Hannan Saltzman和Joe ...
Salesforce seeks to tap into Zoomin's technology to equip its AI-driven autonomous service chatbots with the capability to ...
CRM vendor Salesforce plans to buy Zoomin to bring more unstructured data for artificial intelligence agent and Agentforce ...
The new technology improves personalization across all interaction points and provides and analyzes content consumption ...
(纽约25日讯)软体巨头Salesforce宣布已签署最终协议,将以4.5亿美元(约18.6亿令吉)收购以色列非结构化资料管理服务业者Zoomin。这是Salesforce本月在以色列进行的第二次重大收购,先前该公司已宣布投资19亿美元收购以色列公司Own。2016年由欧龙、萨尔兹曼与吉尔伯3人共同创立的Zoomin共有130名员工,分布于以色列和美国,日后这些员工将被整合到Salesforce的 ...
Salesforce has signed a definitive agreement to acquire Zoomin, a leading data management provider for unstructured data.
Salesforce Inc. has returned to Israel to make a second major acquisition, splashing out to acquire a company called Zoomin ...
Another AI start-up is now part of CRM specialist Salesforce: developer Zoomin is set to expand the data cloud with its ...
Salesforce is on a buying spree. After snatching up data management firm Own earlier in the month, Salesforce today announced its plans to buy Zoomin, an enterprise knowledge platform. Zoomin — which ...