Retinoids are a group of vitamin-A based products used to treat various skin conditions. Retinoids include numerous vitamin A products, and retinol is one form that retinoids can take. In general, ...
金融界9月27日消息,元力股份公告称,公司第五届监事会任期届满,2024年9月27日召开的职工代表大会审议并选举孙岱斌先生为公司第六届监事会职工代表监事。孙岱斌先生将与公司2024年第二次临时股东大会选举产生的股东代表监事共同组成公司第六届监事会,任期至第六届监事会届满。截至本公告日,孙岱斌先生通过公司员工持股计划持有公司股份5,400股,占公司总股本的0.0015%,与公司控股股东、实际控制人和 ...
You may have come across eel-like hagfishes from the few times they have gone viral on the internet, but they might be even more unusual than the videos and photos suggest. While some might describe a ...
The long-awaited first total synthesis of the structurally intriguing natural product palau'amine has now been achieved. The synthesis features cascade reactions and an 'across ring' stitching of ...
As of 02:35PM EDT. Market open. The latest trading day saw Waste Management (WM) settling at $208.32, representing a +0.13% change from its previous close. The end of the earnings season is always a ...
杭州银行股份有限公司(下称杭州银行,600926.SH)股价今年以来上涨了约四成,上半年净利润也增长较快。不过,杭州银行股东中国人寿保险股份 ...
债券代码 债券简称 股票代码 股票简称 申购代码申购上限(万元)申购日期↓上市日期中签率发行规模(亿元)中签号发布日信用评级转债档案 123248恒辉 ...
本公司董事会及全体董事保证本公告内容不存在任何虚假记载、误导性陈述或者重大遗漏,并对其内容的真实性、准确性和完整性承担法律责任。 欧 ...