In terms of regional distribution, Beijing leads with 78 companies, followed by Shandong (55), Guangdong (52), Zhejiang (51), ...
除组件企业外, 美国光伏 原材料和配件企业也获得了大量补贴。根据美国能源部近期发布的信息,美国国税局已为在35个州开发的100多个项目分配了约40亿美元的税收抵免。其中已披露的光伏项目包括:Highland Materials公司获得2.556亿美元 ...
Chinese people have shown strong spending power during the Mid-Autumn Festival, with many sectors such as tourism and postal ...
A total of 36,968 new foreign-invested firms were established across China in the first eight months of 2024, marking an ...
作为背景,媒体指出,三星集团于 2008 年开始在越南北宁省投资,最初资本为 6.7 亿美元。经过十多年的发展,三星已成为越南最大的外商直接投资者,总投资额超过 224 亿美元,投资覆盖北宁、太原等当地省份和胡志明市。其中,近 50% ...
Hunan's three major tech-intensive green products, or the "new three"—new energy vehicles (NEVs), lithium-ion batteries, and photovoltaic products—posted robust export growth in the first eight months ...
Developing a strong passenger vehicle business has been a strategic focus for JAC Group since the tenure of Mr. Zuo Yan’an.
The financial footprint of the pharmaceutical industry in the Greek economy and its overall contribution in terms of GDP is ...
科尔尼大中华区(Kearney China)总裁贺晓青表示:“在具有挑战性的宏观环境下,中国消费者变得日益成熟和理性。
今年以来,全国文旅消费市场持续复苏。 9月10日,江苏省文化和旅游厅数据显示,今年1—8月,纳入监测的636家江苏A级旅游景区、195个省级以上乡村旅游重点村、45家省级以上夜间文旅消费集聚区和84家博物馆共计接待游客6.84亿人次,游客消费2800 ...