The FEMGEN to ABAQUS interface has been updated. This includes updates for ABAQUS 5.8 features and various bug fixes and developments following users requests, as follows: ...
How the predictive tool “CZone” is applied to simulate the axial crushing response of composites, providing valuable insights ...
前言:在使用abaqus进行强度工况等分析计算时,为了保证仿真结果的准确性,需要模型具有网格无关性。通常可以使用网格加密或使用高阶单元等 ...
The hearing was also shown an image of the Titan's tail cone on the sea floor One of the final messages from the five-person crew of the Titan submersible before it imploded, killing all inside, was ...
Employ advanced tools such as Franc 3D, ABAQUS, Ansys, and our in-house resources to analyze crack propagation. Collaborate with other interdisciplinary teams to address mechanical integrity ...
沙利文访华,是八年来美国总统国家安全事务助理首次访华,无论美方为何种目的,中美加强沟通接触都将为双边关系增添更 ...
本次发布的主机上云解决方案,不是对传统方案的简单替代,而是核心系统的一次技术革新和体验跃升。张平安表示:“华为云和中国的多家银行携手,将核心业务从主机系统搬到云上来,加速核心业务的现代化。目前,中国大部分的银行选择华为来构筑云上新核心。 ” ...