Fatty acids like omega-3 and omega-6 are vital during pregnancy for both mother and fetus. Omega-3s contribute to brain ...
Hedge funds don't have many shares in Southern Acids (M) Berhad. Southern Palm Industries Sdn Bhd is currently the company's ...
在华裔科学家眼中,美国无疑变成了“监狱”般的存在。自特朗普启动臭名昭著的“中国行动计划”后, 约有200余名科学家(多数为亚裔)遭遇了美国的捕逮,平均每3天便有1人被迫失去工作或拘留 。
头图由豆包生成,提示词 :太阳系、八大行星,宇宙星空+区域重绘作者|椒盐玉兔邮箱|guojunjing@pingwest.com好家伙,OpenAI 终于上新了!9月13日凌晨,OpenAI 发布了最新系列模型 OpenAI ...
导读:“环状RNA在药物开发与应用中的优势和潜力在近年来已经逐渐受到行业关注,无论是单独成药亦或是优化CGT药物,都具有广阔的市场前景,被认为能够引领mRNA2.0时代浪潮。尽管目前环状RNA仍处于早期研发阶段,但国内外已有越来越多的企业开始布局这一赛道。” 近日,艾博生物在Nucleic Acids Research发布了其自主研发的环状RNA制备系统——Cis系统引起了行业关注。这一全新的环状 ...
Can be used to recap on acids, alkalis and bases or could lead into a classroom discussion on chemical changes and structures.
Well, we all love to have mayonnaise. However, despite its wonderful taste, it might severely impact heart health. In this article, we have explained how mayonnaise can affect our hearts due to its ...
In an article published in JAMA Network Open, researchers at the University of São Paulo's Medical School (FM-USP) report on ...
为了揭示RPL22发挥作用的分子机制,研究人员首先通过SUnSET实验发现敲除RPL22的人间充质祖细胞的整体翻译水平并没有发生明显变化;随后通过构建缺失核糖体功能的RPL22突变体,发现其仍可以显著促进人间充质祖细胞的衰老,提示RPL22的促衰老能 ...
In an article published in JAMA Network Open, researchers at the University of São Paulo’s Medical School (FM-USP) report on ...
Metabolic rewiring is essential for osteoclast differentiation and bone resorption. This study shows that glutaminolysis ...