黄水仙同样是石蒜科的物种,还有一个别名“雅蒜”。在英国黄水仙极为受欢迎,并且还经常会将鲜切花放在蔬菜水果区售卖,因此很容易让不熟悉植物的华人购买并误食,每年英国都有多起误食黄水仙的案例(图片来源:village.com) ...
Conkers are poisonous to dogs because they contain a toxin called aesculin, which can cause vomiting and upset stomachs in ...
The severity of symptoms depends on the amount of conkers eaten and the size of your dog. If left untreated, conker poisoning ...
Conkers are poisonous to dogs because they contain a toxin called aesculin, which can cause vomiting and upset stomachs, ...
The severity of symptoms depends on the amount of conkers eaten and the size of your dog. If left untreated, conker poisoning ...
A cool shower or bath can be an effective treatment, but it is a good idea to use other topical solutions to give relief. Horse chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum) is a long-utilised herbal remedy that ...