As his career wraps up, a man of big ideas takes on ever smaller targets.
A Beck’s Hybrids production location agronomist says seed corn harvest is running ahead of the average pace. Darin Lucas says ...
A Kansas State University Extension wheat specialist says farmers shouldn’t plant their winter wheat too early. Romulo ...
Figuring out ways of locking carbon out of the atmosphere, such as by burying wood, is key to stalling the worst consequences ...
Hybrid breeding may lead to a revolution in potato farming, creating new varieties resistant to disease and drought.
Flea beetle attacks on oilseed rape, which have contributed towards a dramatic decline in Yorkshire’s area planted with the ...
Wilson’s Country in Craigavon reveals a combination of cold weather and strong domestic demand has conspired to push up ...
I have spent more than 20 years visiting communities and working with farmers around Uganda and across East and southern ...
The impacts Hurricane Francine will have on the row crop farmers in the Delta after barreling through the state last week are ...
High temperatures can stunt potato growth, and that means chip makers need to pay more to transport their crops long ...
Illinois crops matured above the average pace for most of the season, so it is no surprise to see some combines rolling a bit ...
Corn rootworm is the billion-dollar pest for a reason. That is about the value of bushels lost each year because of them. The populations are on the rise, and the ...