Hu, Liangbing Choi, Jang Wook Yang, Yuan Jeong, Sangmoo La Mantia, Fabio Cui, Li-Feng and Cui, Yi 2009. Highly conductive paper for energy-storage devices ...
The Royal Cache is an iconic tomb in Ancient Egypt that contained the mummies of over 50 pharaohs, queens, and important ...
The literary tradition of the New Kingdom, represented by the Story of Apophis and Seqenenre, suggests that the clash between the Hyksos and the native Egyptian kings of the Seventeenth Dynasty ...
Pharaoh: the common title of the native kings of Egypt in the Bible, corresponding to P-ra or Ph-ra "the sun," of the hieroglyphics. Brugsch, Ebers and other modern Egyptologists define it to mean ...
Altenmüller 1983a. Helmut Altenmüller. Das Grab der Königin Tausret im Tal der Könige von Theben. SAK 10 (1983). 1-24 Altenmüller 1983b. Helmut Altenmüller. Rolle und Bedeutung des Grabes der Königin ...
1. Now these are the names--(See Ge 46:8-26). 7. children of Israel were fruitful--They were living in a land where, according to the testimony of an ancient author, mothers produced three and four ...