2023年12月29日,印度商工部发布公告称,应印度国内企业Meghmani Industries ...
WASHINGTON— The Environmental Protection Agency has announced that the endocrine-disrupting pesticide atrazine will be banned in Hawaii and in the U.S. territories of Puerto Rico, Guam, American Samoa ...
WASHINGTON— The Environmental Protection Agency released an assessment today finding that the endocrine-disrupting pesticide atrazine is likely to harm more than 1,000 of the nation’s most endangered ...
The Arizona Supreme Court ruled Friday that nearly 100,000 residents who may not have fulfilled the state’s ...
Canada's pesticide regulator is delaying the release of health and safety data, internal emails, briefing notes and other ...
随着巴西计划上调数十种化学品的进口关税,国内化工生产商的利润率有望改善。尽管目前石化产品价格仍然低迷,但这一关税调整将帮助本土生产商缓解进口竞争的压力。 法国农用生物制剂企业 Elicit Plant 宣布在巴西推出 EliZon,该产品用于提高大豆对干旱的 ...
2023年12月29日,印度商工部发布公告称,应印度国内企业Meghmani Industries ...
India has extended countervailing or anti-subsidy duty on a Chinese chemical used in pesticides for five more years to guard ...
11:06 【印度决定继续对华莠去津征收反补贴税】据中国贸易救济信息网,2024年9月11日,印度财政部税收局发布第05/2024-Customs (CVD)号通报称,接受印度商工部于2024年6月14日对原产于或进口自中国的莠去津(Atrazine ...
India extends countervailing duty on Atrazine Technical from China for 5 years to protect domestic producers. The duty, ...
India has renewed its anti-subsidy duty on Chinese imports of Atrazine Technical, a herbicide used extensively in agriculture ...
India has decided to extend its anti-subsidy duty on a Chinese chemical used in pesticides for an additional five years. This ...