1000公斤可售量 1000 供货能力 中国 河北北京厂家 产品区域 木聚糖酶(Xylanase),又名内1,4-β-木聚糖酶,英文别名 Pentopan Mono,是采用液体深层发酵、超滤及喷雾干燥等工艺制得,用于啤酒酿造,可以有效分解麦芽汁中的木聚糖和戊聚糖,降低麦芽汁中的粘度 ...
10000公斤可售量 60元/公斤 建议零售价 中国 国内 产品区域 木聚糖酶定义: lg酶粉于50摄氏度、pH4.8条件下,每分钟催化分解木 ...
The enzymes assayed and their substrates were: (1) amylases - 1% soluble starch (Cinética®) in 100 mM sodium citrate buffer, pH 6.0; (2) xylanases - 1% xylan (Uniscience®) in 200 mM sodium phosphate ...
In relation to some inorganic membranes, polymeric membranes have relatively low separation performance. However, the processing flexibility and low cost of polymers still make them highly attractive ...