操作系统(Operation System),简称OS,是管理计算机『硬件』与『软件』资源的计算机程序。操作系统管理系统中的各种资源,并控制用户和应用程序的工作流程。它位于用户程序和裸机之间,OS将具体硬件资源抽象成软件资源,方便进程调用。
We feel like we freely make choices every day but some scientists have claimed that free will is an illusion. What does science actually say about free will? And do we really know?
When asked about India helping Sri Lanka and Bangladesh in times of crisis and not gaining anything, External Affairs ...
After a year as an Epic Games Store exclusive, the roguelike shooter Witchfire has made its way to Steam—and if you haven't ...
AI agents are emerging as a crucial type of application for enterprises looking to derive more value from their AI ...
为了找到最优策略,在深度强化学习的框架下,他进一步提出了一种基于双延迟深度确定性策略梯度(Twin Delayed Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient, TD3)的无人机边缘计算辅助渲染算法。具体而言,王智杰根据VR用户位置和设备能量状态,对无人机轨迹和VR渲染模式进行 ...
全球范围内,已有超过 13,000 种植物在本土范围外归化。外来物种是否对本地生态系统产生了实质性的负面影响以及是否需要管理存在争议。有研究认为,外来物种只是环境变化的“搭便车者”而非生态系统转变的主要驱动因素。探讨本地物种多样性丧失和外来物种入侵增加是否受到环境变化的驱动,对于解决这一争议至关重要。
Artificial Intelligence (AI), like any other technology, is not inherently good or bad – it is merely a tool people can use ...
The rate cut is about repairing the Fed’s damaged credibility. “Going big” with 50 basis points is a psychological gambit, to ...
Measles case dynamics in England are consistent with scenarios assuming the waning of vaccine-induced immunity. Since measles is highly infectious, slow waning leads to a heightened burden in ...
The work done on real-time Linux has benefitted the open-source OS for years, but it was only this week that Linus Torvalds ...
On a film set that resembles the medieval castle of a Chinese lord, Zhu Jian is busy disrupting the world's second-largest ...