Deirdre McCloskey — an 81-year-old economic historian — crosses herself every time she mentions Adam Smith. A die-hard ...
Economist Deirdre McCloskey wants to be taxed to finance a minimum income, not a minimum wage. People couldn't persuasively beg with the former, she says, and the government would get out of the ...
Deirdre McCloskey (2006) wrote of seven virtues of middle-class economic life: love (benevolence and friendship), faith (integrity), hope (entrepreneurship), courage (endurance and perseverance), ...
The exception, the Great Enrichment, began some three centuries ago, around the North Sea, in the Dutch Republic and England, according to economic historian Deirdre McCloskey, in societies when ...
Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Peace, human flourishing. That brought about what Deirdre McCloskey calls the Great Fact of human history, the enormous and unprecedented growth in ...
Ultimately, Smith is concerned with virtue—especially benevolence, courage, temperance, justice, and prudence. Indeed, Deirdre McCloskey argued that Smith is the last of the virtue ethicists, ...
“A famously nice guy,” the economist Deirdre McCloskey called him in a 2002 article. “A prince.” Dr. Solow served as a senior economist with the Council of Economic Advisers during the ...
The exception, the Great Enrichment, began some three centuries ago, around the North Sea, in the Dutch Republic and England, according to economic historian Deirdre McCloskey, in societies when ...
Deirdre McCloskey is a Professor of Economics and History at the University of Illinois. Her new book "Bourgeois Equality: How Ideas, Not Capitalism of Institutions, Enriched the World" (Chicago) will ...