日前,2024年欧洲预测、预防、个体化医学协会(简称:EPMA)国际大会在汕头大学医学院桑浦山校区开幕。汕头大学医学院第一附属医院心血管病医院院长陈业群荣获2024年EPMA奖。这一荣誉不仅是对其个人贡献的认可,更是对汕头大学医学院在医学研究和教育领 ...
2021年,对我国嫦娥五号带回的月壤样品中玄武岩碎屑的精确定年结果表明:月球在20亿年前仍然存在较大规模的岩浆活动。这一发现将月球的地质生命延长了约10亿年,对传统的月球演化模型提出了挑战。虽然嫦娥五号带回的样品为月球的研究提供了新的信息,但是总共1 ...
岛津电子探针集成有兼具高分辨率和高灵敏度的波谱成分分析系统及电子成像系统,可实现纳米尺度的微观形态观察以及任意指定位置的微区成分分析,具有分析可视化、对样品无损伤、元素分析范围广、能量分辨率高、灵敏度高、检出限低等一系列无可比拟的优势,尤其适于月壤这 ...
For those users who have used or will use the newly-implemented Probe for EPMA software package (PfEPMA/PfE), the following information is part of the public domain ...
根据科学界的主流观点,月球曾经也像地球一样拥有炽热的核心,其内部也因此具备了活跃的地质活动,但由于其个头太小,无法像地球一样有效地保持其内部的热量,因此随着时间的流逝,其内部的热量就逐渐散失殆尽,最终导致它的内部不再有任何地质活动,成为了一颗“死去” ...
The instrument is a dedicated field emission, wavelength dispersive electron microprobe (EPMA). Quantitative elemental data can be obtained from most elements (Fluorine to Uranium) with detection ...
The European Powder Metallurgy Association (EPMA) has announced that its next WINTEREV hard materials seminar will take place ...
Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) and Electron Probe Microanalyzer (EPMA) Laboratory The Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) and Electron Probe Microanalyzer (EPMA) Laboratory is open for use by those ...
Jersey's new prescription system has discovered that some private patients are currently receiving high-cost medications for ...
CTM UHB is the second health board in Wales, after Cardiff and Vale University Health Board, to select Nervecentre as its preferred ePMA supplier.
The prime method used for data reduction by the JEOL 8200 EPMA to account for the effects described above is the ZAF Model. This model assumes an initially linear relation between generated X-ray ...
Symptoms of vaginal dryness include: Here are some of the causes of vaginal dryness, as per a 2019 research in the EPMA ...