A wasted vote is one not cast, or cast for a candidate who does not represent a voter's values. A vote has authority; it is ...
Pope Francis, who said Americans should vote for the “lesser of two evils,” used a phrase that isn't always fully understood.
I like the new personality Kamala Harris has created, though I do have to wonder where it came from.
Harris’s support for abortion and Trump’s handling of immigration, Francis believes, makes the two candidates “against life.” ...
Erin Perrine, Nayyera Haq, CNN's Tom Foreman and CNN's Jeff Zeleny join The Lead New poll reveals how voters are viewing ...
As a Taiwanese entrepreneur and pro-democracy activist, I have long supported Taiwan’s right to self-determination and ...
MTSU political science professors' 'Mae West effect' predicted the outcome of presidential elections in 2016 and 2020. It may ...
"There are many other life issues that neither presidential candidate has addressed in a way that is compatible with the ...
COMMENTARY: Although Pope Benedict used the life issue as his example, it is clear that more than life in the strict sense ...
I have a few long-time friends, but not many. There are a lot of differences in them. Take Joe for instance. He is apt to ...
Flying back from his visit to Southeast Asia earlier this month, Pope Francis was asked about the upcoming presidential ...