1989年7月4日正值美国独立日,驻荷兰苏斯特伯格空军基地的美国空军第32战术战斗机中队(代号“猎狼犬”)虽然距离本土有千里之遥,且担负着北约组织的战备值勤任务,但官兵们还是一大早就按照惯例在基地里准备了丰盛的美食、酒水,部分好事者甚至驱车到附近的阿 ...
被称为「最强第4代战机」的波音F-15EX,于上星期出现在奥勒冈国际航空展(Oregon International Airshow ,OIA) ),这是公眾与航空爱好者首次见证这款老当益壮的战斗机。航空极客俱乐部(The Aviation Geek ...
2024年6月时,洛克希德·马丁公司发布了有关空射高超声速“灰鲭鲨(Mako)”导弹的新细节,该导弹有望成为世界上第一种不仅可以从F-35内部武器舱发射的高超声速武器,还可以从F-22的内部武器舱发射。这种新型导弹已经通过了美国军火库中几乎所有飞机的 ...
The F-15 is arguably one of the most iconic military jets to ever grace the skies, with various militaries across the globe ...
For generations, the United States Air Force has been at the head of the line in air warfare. Thus, it has continuously ...
Delivery of the first F-15 began in 1974, but it was soon joined by the improved F-15C and F-15D in 1979. The F-15 airframe design was deemed to be so successful that the F-15E Strike Eagle was ...
DOI:10.19486/j.cnki.11-1936/tj.2021.18.0072021年7月16日,俄罗斯《军事评论》网站“防务”专栏上传一篇署名文章,原文作者针对有争议的北方四岛问题,对日俄两国争夺其主权所具备的战斗力进行了简要分析。重点根据 ...
An F-22 Raptor made a ‘precautionary landing’ at the home of the 18th Wing on Friday afternoon, according to an Air Force ...
这款1吨级“地堡毁灭者”最早亮相于六年前珠海航展上一段由某集团公司制作的宣传片,在片中,该型弹药由歼轰-7A战斗轰炸机挂载,型号名称是 “云箭1000-1” ,从宣传片中可以看到,该型武器已经系列化发展。
The Oregon Air National Guard 173rd Fighter Wing is letting its neighbors know it will conduct night flying operations this ...
In this article, we take a look at Saudi F-15s, their history in Saudi Air Force service and use in combat over the course of ...
The last two airplanes, tail numbers 96-8153 and 99-1933, were previous EC-130Js and converted to "slick" C-130Js. The 193rd ...