His name was Bruno Heydrich, and the pieces were from an opera he had written in 1895 called Amen. Set in a forest in central Germany, the work’s protagonist is called Reinhard, a heroic figure ...
One of the Third Reich’s most morally reprehensible figures, Reinhard Heydrich (1904-1942), was head of the Sicherheitsdienst (SD), the intelligence service of the SS, and later Director of the ...
Jaroslava Skleničková, the last surviving woman of the Lidice massacre, has died at the age of 98. Skleničková was just 16 when she was sent to the Ravensbrück concentration camp by the Nazis with her ...
SS Obergruppenführer (Lt. General) Reinhard Heydrich issues secret order pertaining to protective custody for Race Violators following the conclusion of the normal legal process. Law pertaining ...
You'll learn about the history of the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia in March 1939 and the arrival of Reinhard Heydrich as a representative of the Reich Protector in September 1941 ...
Faced with two wars, nuclear confrontation, extreme economic inequality, and a climate crisis -- not to mention threats to ...
Author David Alan Johnson discusses his new book, Admiral Canaris: How Hitler’s Chief of Intelligence Betrayed the Nazis. It ...
Lidice was razed and its inhabitants killed in revenge for the assassination of senior Nazi, Reinhard Heydrich. Nearly 180 men were shot with women and children sent to concentration camps.
"Orders and Initiatives" highlights the crucial decision-making period of the Holocaust, encompassing the secret plans of Adolf Hitler, Heinrich Himmler, and Reinhard Heydrich. At a conference at ...
A masterful work of history, Hitler’s People is especially relevant at a time in which popular support for democracy is ...
As of today people have the rare opportunity to view the authentic Bohemian crown jewels which have been put on display in ...
No. 1: Governor Karl Hermann Frank. No. 2: Police General Kurt Daluege, successor to assassinated Reinhard (Hangman) Heydrich. Both are awaiting trial. Contact us at letters@time.com ...