Yes, Thanksgiving is a time to celebrate everything we are grateful for and get together with loved ones for an epic feast.
Roosevelt vs Lindbergh in the Shadow of War,” historian H.W. Brands chronicles the fight against isolationism in the years ...
Category 4 Hurricane Helene will be one of the costliest storms in United States history with total damage and economic loss ...
Analysis: The past holds bitter lessons for leaders who entertain grand ambitions of tectonic changes in Lebanon, and in the ...
On this day in 1690, "Publick Occurrences Both Forreign and Domestick" attracted colonial officials' ire by repeating a ...
You deserve a break today. What better way to spend it than by exploring some of the oldest McDonald's in the United States?
In response to the Alien and Sedition Acts, the two most prominent thinkers in America — Thomas Jefferson, who had written ...
In an exclusive conversation, the designer's friends and confidants look back on the making of a luxury giant on the eve of ...
The FBI has agreed to settle a class-action lawsuit alleging female recruits were singled out for dismissal in training and ...
The US is returning 297 history-spanning antiquities stolen or smuggled from India, many dating back centuries. Marking the ...
The last major incident occurred in 2020 when a similar situation forced Interstate 20 to close for six hours.
In doing so, he insisted that the word “the” precede the phrase “freedom of speech” in what was to become the First Amendment ...