对此,毛宁重申了中方一贯的立场:核武器用不得,核战争打不得。她指出,五个核武器国家的领导人已在2022年1月发表联合声明,共同表达了核战争既不可能赢得也不应该发动的立场。毛宁强调,各方应以冷静和克制的态度推动局势的缓和,避免核战争的爆发。实际上,核战 ...
Indian Navy will host the fifth edition of Goa Maritime Symposium (GMS -24) at Naval War College, Goa for two days starting Monday, navy said here on Sunday. Giving details, officials said ...
Check the time stamp on this data. Updated AI-Generated Signals for Income Opportunity Realty Investors Inc. (IOR) available ...
Navy commanders will convene for a four-day conference to evaluate security and operational readiness in the Indian Ocean ...
美联储下调联邦基金利率目标区间至4.75%-5.00%,预期降息至5.00%-5.25%,之前为5.25%-5.50%。 下调IOR至4.9%,下调贴现利率至5%。 议声明称,理事鲍曼对本次利率决定持反对意见,倾向于降息25个基点。 对美国通胀可持续地朝着2%靠近的信心增强。 强有力地贯彻“实现充分就业和2%通胀目标”的承诺。 就业和通胀面临的风险是平衡的。
New Delhi: Amidst China’s expanding footprint in the Indian Ocean region, the Indian Navy will receive another 88 warships ...
Suzannah Brecknell meets the chair of the Institute of Regulation – and former boss of a couple of high profile regulators – ...
With imports fundamental to the clinical supply chain, a specialist Importer of Record (IoR) can make all the difference in processes running smoothly. Sensitive biopharma products and biosamples ...