Autophagosomes are formed by membrane expansion and invagination, during which intracellular proteins, organelles, etc. are sequestered into autophagosomes. The sequestered materials are degraded ...
Il se plie dans tous les sens, hurle et vomit ? Consultez sans tarder un médecin, car il s’agit peut-être d’une invagination intestinale. Rapidement pris en charge, ce trouble ne laisse ...
Health complications may vary with the extent of cutting, although only a limited number of studies break out this risk systematically. Limited research exists on menstrual hygiene in these ...
In the squid, for example, the eye develops as an invagination of the skin; that is, the skin forms a little cavity, a little bulb, inside. In our case the brain forms an invagination, a bulb ...
The best understood route of endocytosis — the cellular process whereby cells internalize various molecules — is mediated by clathrin, a vesicular coat protein that is used as a membrane ...
The absent AV connection was true atresia in 6 with invagination to the cardiac crux of fat-containing sulcus tissue which appears bright on MRI and an imperforate valve in 1. In 11 pts ...
She was diagnosed with Chiari II Malformation, basilar invagination and Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, which affects her brain, ...
"Rab9 and retromer regulate retrograde trafficking of luminal protein required for epithelial tube length control." Nat Commun 4.1358 (2013) 9.Kondo T. and Hayashi S.: "Mitotic cell rounding ...