The build pipeline is the engine of your software development lifecycle, so it pays to keep it tuned up and running right.
Three of these - Markdown Documentation Comments, ZGC: Generational Mode by Default and Deprecate the Memory-Access Methods in sun.misc.Unsafe for Removal - are final features without having gone ...
作者 | Michael Redlich译者 | 张卫滨策划 | 丁晓昀甲骨文 发布了Java 编程语言和虚拟机的 23 版本。作为 JDK 21 之后的第一个非 LTS 版本,最终的 12 个 JEP 特性包括:JEP ...
Java 21 brought significant innovations for concurrent programming in Project Loom. Two of these still have preview status in ...
The features in the Java 23 release are a result of continuous close collaboration between Oracle and other members of the worldwide Java developer community via OpenJDK and the Java Community Process ...