While some kids are excited to enter the hallowed halls of kindergarten, do not underestimate the willpower of a child who absolutely does not want to go to school. Pascaline, a 5-year-old bat ...
TK also helps expose children to a school-based environment and eases them into the transition to kindergarten. This play-based learning supports their early math and literacy skills and social ...
The Department of Mathematics, located within a world-class social science institution, aims to be a leading centre for mathematics in the social sciences. We have a stimulating and active research ...
That's why we offer effective literacy and math programs to children in even the most remote rural communities right here in the United States. Our programs help children from kindergarten through ...
Walk-ins provide a chance for you to get some quick help with your math classes! Just walk into Fisher 234 any time during our Walk-ins hours and there will be two coaches available to help you.
Preschool teachers have different views on finger counting. Some teachers consider finger counting use in children to signal that they are struggling with math, while others associate its use as ...
Applied mathematics involves the application of mathematics to problems which arise in various areas, e.g., science, engineering or other diverse areas, and/or the development of new or improved ...
In general, these programs are designed to prepare prospective teachers with courses in English composition, basic math and science, education, and early childhood development. For example, some of ...
Office: Integrated Science Center, Room 1152 Phone: 757 221 3878 Email: [[jxgala]] Webpage: {{http://jxgala.people.wm.edu/}} CV: {{http://www.wm.edu/as/psych-sciences ...
摘要 :英语绘本阅读教学在小学低年级学生英语教育中越来越受到重视。绘本教学中存在的问题包括:绘本配套资源缺失、教学模式与考核方式脱节、教学方法单一等问题。改善英语绘本教学的策略包括:根据教学目标开发多模态教学资料;合理设计教学方法;关注学生的多样性特点。