The multi-ship buy with the Pascagoula-based shipbuilder is projected to save taxpayer dollars while investing in the ...
This combined procurement — the first of its kind for amphibious ships — begins the construction of LPDs 33, 34, 35 and LHA ...
HII (NYSE: HII) announced today that its Ingalls Shipbuilding division was awarded a $9.6 billion multi-ship procurement ...
根据第一份价值57.99亿美元的固定价格合同,亨廷顿·英格尔斯工业公司将为美国海军建造3艘“圣安东尼奥”级两栖船坞运输舰:LPD-33、LPD-34和LPD-35。目前该公司积压的订单还有3艘,包括正在建造的“哈里斯堡”号(LPD-30)和“匹兹堡” ...
HII’s Ingalls Shipbuilding division has been awarded a $9.6 billion multi-ship procurement contract for the construction of ...
The US Navy (USN) awarded a duo of contracts on 24 September worth about USD9.5 billion in total to buy one America-class amphibious assault ship (LHA) and three ...
HII announced today that its Ingalls Shipbuilding division was awarded a $9.6 billion multi-ship procurement contract for the construction of three San Antonio-class (LPD 17) amphibious ships and a ...
记忆中是上个月,朝鲜放了一个大招,一口气250台导弹发射车排列整齐,正式交付边境守备部队,一台发射车四枚导弹,这就相当于1000枚短程弹道导弹正式交付,这场景足够震撼,以为这事就完了?这几日美韩“双龙-24”军演又开始了(显然是每年一次的例行军演), ...
讲话中还提到,美韩两国将朝鲜合法的自卫力量强化措施扭曲成所谓的“威胁”。这种敌对势力公开宣示对一个主权国家进行核打击的意图,破坏了地区战略稳定,并增加了核冲突的可能性。 返回搜狐,查看更多 ...
Airman Kailey Barrientos of Carrollton is assigned to the forward-deployed amphibious assault ship USS America (LHA 6) in ...