那深得康熙信任的传教士,为何未能得到雍正的信任?传教士在康熙一朝深耕满洲权贵圈,难道没有在雍正处下过功夫?作者从传教士的人际网络入手,分析了传教士未进入雍正信任圈的缘由。康熙晚年在储君一事上废立迟疑,九子夺嫡,形成诸多派系,其中主要有废太子一系、皇三子一系、皇八子一系和皇四子一系。传教士与废太子、皇三子、皇八子均有不错的交情,唯独皇四子雍正,传教士与之并无多少交往。这与雍正个人的信仰有关,雍正即位 ...
For me complexity of nature is very inspiring because it's a world that you can explore in different ways and it has always ...
Lorenzo Musetti and girlfriend Veronica Confalonieri recently shared some highlights from their son Ludovico's baptism ...
The Grand Tour: One for the Road is available to watch now on Prime Video. Try Amazon Prime Video for free for 30 days. Plus, ...
政治和官僚主义将成为与杰出法学家萨比诺·卡塞塞对话的中心主题,对话将于今天下午在罗马路易斯举行 与的对话 萨比诺·卡塞斯尊敬的法学家和宪法法院名誉法官将于今天下午在 罗马的路易斯 (Viale 罗马尼亚 Luiss 校区 32 室 202 ...
Thanks to nanoscale devices as small as human cells, researchers can create groundbreaking material properties, leading to ...
Italian pianist and composer Ludovico Einaudi, a prominent figure in contemporary classical music, gave a concert Wednesday in Istanbul. During ...
The Piano’s Brad Kella is preparing for the next step in his musical career. The musician from Bootle has enjoyed a rise to ...
Classic FM has two brand new sister radio stations: Classic FM Calm is a relaxing classical soundscape to escape and unwind, ...
An East Austin modern Italian American restaurant is opening a new Italian rooftop bar this month. Casa Bianca will be ...
In the town plaza of Rosales, Pangasinan stood one old magnificent balete tree. The biggest rice farm there was owned by a ...
Anne Flanagan, the Belfast model who found viral fame after being discovered by the ‘Model Strangers’ Instagram account.