The ponds in this courtyard each hold plants, invertebrates (such as snails and larval dragonflies), a few goldfish, and sometimes frogs. Each pond is an example of a ‘mesocosm’, a small semi-natural ...
AQUACOSM-plus is an EU network of leading aquatic mesocosm facilities. Within this network our group develops new technological capabilities for mesocosm research to effectively execute climate change ...
Antidepressants like prozac (fluoxetine) have helped millions of people around the world, but studies show they may be ...
We use a combination of field studies and controlled laboratory and mesocosm experiments to address these goals. Because Purdue is located in the ‘corn belt’ of the Midwest, our results have immediate ...
These impacts can cascade through larger communities that contain many predator and competitor species. Using a long-term mesocosm experiment, we have examined: 1) the relative importance of cascades ...
The graduate student on this project will spend summers in the Bay Area of California camping at the Blue Oak Ranch Reserve where they will lead a field crew to complete yearly field sampling of ...
CMO is made up of several labs and facilities. Its Ocean-Sea Ice Mesocosm Facility consists of two outdoor pools designed to simultaneously accommodate contaminated and controlled experiments on ...
As a PRA, my expertise lies in identification of parasites using molecular and morphological techniques, developing and running ELISA, preparation and execution of laboratory and mesocosm experiments, ...
My research focuses on how environmental variation (in space and time) affects biodiversity and functioning of ecological communities. Laboratory, mesocosm, field, and data mining studies are used ...
The excursion group from Münster arrived safely in Belo Horizonte and was welcomed by Prof. Dr. Ricardo Solar at the airport in Confins. The group of German and Brazilian students from different ...