The infective form is Transmitted by water, direct contact, vegetables and flies In order to evaluate the efficacy of secnidazole (a new drug) and comparing with the effect of metronidazole ...
Metronidazole exerts antibacterial effects in an anaerobic environment against most obligate anaerobes. Once metronidazole enters the organism by passive diffusion and activated in the cytoplasm ...
Metronidazole 500mg/100mL; soln for IV infusion; contains sodium. Metronidazole exerts antibacterial effects in an anaerobic environment against most obligate anaerobes. Once metronidazole enters ...
杜兰大学的研究人员正在研究一种治疗滴虫病的新疗法,滴虫病是一种常见但常被忽视的性传播疾病。滴虫病是一种经常被忽视的寄生虫感染,尽管它是全球最普遍的可治愈的性传播感染(STI),但人们对它的认识仍然不足。杜兰大学(Tulane ...
Irrational antibiotic use damages mucus barrier, leading to intestinal inflammation, as shown in recent Science Advances ...
Trichomoniasis, caused by trichomonas vaginalis, an inflammation-causing parasite that lives in people’s genital tracts, is ...
Find all the commercial and brand names of generic drug called Metronidazole. This is an invaluable reference resource for healthcare professionals, patients, caregivers and anyone in need of ...
In this case, the cause may be in the patient's use of medication prior to labor. Metronidazole (Flagyl) is a common and effective treatment for bacterial vaginosis. A known adverse effect of ...
It aims to evaluate the efficacy of a newly approved drug, secnidazole, in comparison to the existing standard treatment, metronidazole. This study will involve a cohort of 1,200 participants from ...