PostgreSQL 是全球最先进的开源数据库,拥有由成千上万的用户、贡献者、公司和组织组成的全球社区。有着超过 35 年的工程开发历史,始于加州大学伯克利分校,PostgreSQL 以无与伦比的开发速度持续发展。PostgreSQL ...
MSCI等全球企业正在采用 Oracle Database@Azure 来加速云技术迁移。为了满足快速增长的全球需求,Oracle 和 Microsoft 持续在全球更多新的区域推出 Oracle Database@Azure ...
9月,数据库圈比较热闹。K1 完成收购,MariaDB ...
Analysis At Big Red's recent CloudWorld shindig in Las Vegas, Matt Garman, CEO of AWS, looked comfortable and relaxed being ...
Oracle provides database technology and enterprise resource planning, or ERP, software to enterprises around the world.
Based on the trading activity, it appears that the significant investors are aiming for a price territory stretching from ...
高危漏洞是网络系统可能被黑客利用以进行非法访问、数据窃取或系统破坏的严重安全缺陷。每一个操作系统、网络应用都可能存在这样的漏洞。这些漏洞一旦被恶意利用,将给网络系统带来极大的安全风险,可能影响网络系统的正常运行,甚至给网络运营者 ...
Structured Query Language (SQL) is one of the most valuable tools in today’s data-driven world. Whether you are a business ...
AI is on the verge of ushering in a new era of mass surveillance, says Oracle cofounder Larry Ellison, adding that his ...
Oracle is also following the AI trend – but not the hype: instead, the Group is releasing many specific functions in its ...
金年会体育(中国)官方网站IOS/Android通用版/手机app下载是一款专业的数据库管理工具,它支持所有主流的关系数据库产品,如 ...