If we’re lucky, multitudes of birds will pass by our gardens – but a select group will delight with their tunes. Here are ...
This can sometimes be done with small passerines in nest boxes, or with seabirds on land by using a long-handled hand net held above the head (Gosler 2004). Capturing birds is often time consuming ...
One year on from the historical fall of American landbirds in Britain and Ireland, Graham Gordon gives his personal take on ...
Miniature tracking devices have revolutionised our understanding of how birds cross ecological barriers such as deserts and ...
During a stroll through the park’s verdant woodlands, passerines can be found flitting from branch to branch, with spring drawing songbirds in droves as they embark on their annual migration.
During a visit, guests can marvel at all sorts of colorful passerines alongside dazzling hummingbirds and soaring raptors—and to discover all three in one fell swoop, it’s best to head to ...
In fact, birds are key to how the virus spreads. Birds—especially passerines, a group that includes robins, starlings, thrushes and blue jays—are the main hosts of the virus. These birds ...
Among all birds, grebes have the highest proportion of species ranked ‘at risk’ and ‘may be at risk’, followed by falcons and ...
The American Ornithological Society (AOS) is pleased to announce the awardees of the 2024 Kessel Fellowships for ...
Brood parasitic birds lay their eggs in the nests of others, sparing themselves the expense of rearing their own young. The resulting coevolutionary arms race includes sophisticated defenses by ...
With the onset of good weather (finally), our properties are abuzz with deer grazing, birds and small mammals nest building, ...
Certified Wildlife Biologist, 2011. Ph.D., Forest Resources (Wildlife Ecology). Mississippi State University, 1999. M.S., Wildlife Ecology, Mississippi State ...