Those two terms describe the complex tissues that transport food and water in a plant, providing it with sufficient food, ...
“We’re kind of in the middle of that heaviest portion of the pest pressure,” Fike said. The pest feeds just under the ash ...
红豆杉又称紫杉,国家一级珍稀保护树种,也是世界上公认的濒临灭绝的第四纪冰川遗留下来的古老树种。科学家利用红豆杉提取物制成了抗癌药物紫杉醇,是治疗多种癌症的有效药物之一。内生真菌是指在其生活史的一定阶段或全部阶段生活在植物的各种组织,对植物组织不会引起 ...
A citrus quarantine has been declared in Fallbrook after officials detected the presence of the deadly citrus tree disease ...
Unlock nutrient efficiency on your farm through accurate soil testing and analysis. Reduce costs, improve yields, and make the most of fertilisers.
This evaporation in turn allows further water to be absorbed by the roots. Alfred explains that this is transpiration. Alfred also explains that the products of photosynthesis are transported via the ...
Are you getting ready to drill your crops this season and worried about BYDV exposure? Here are our tips to tackle those pesky aphids this season. The ...
Oak trees sent to the University of Connecticut that originated in a Maryland nursery appeared to have been infected with oak wilt, but the trees were destroyed before the disease could be positively ...
At the age of 70, I can remember too many epidemics of tree-killing pests sweeping through the Northeastern landscape.
Grafting aims to match up a layer of the stem called the cambium, which sits between the outer bark and the inner wood. This, together with the inner xylem and outer phloem layers that transport food ...
Can the tree be saved? A: The news is really not good. I am so sorry, but the top is almost assuredly going to die away. The tissue just inside the bark is called the phloem, and it’s a cylinder that ...