YeastBuster™酵母专用蛋白抽提试剂设计用于从Saccharomyces cerevisiae 和 Pichia pastoris酵母细胞中,快速、高效而温和地抽提可溶活性蛋白。采用试剂处理,可以避免激烈的机械处理造成的氧化和热度升高对目的蛋白的破坏作用。这种Novagen的专利配方包括性质温和的 ...
a recombinant form of hepatitis B surface antigen produced in Pichia pastoris and manufactured under the name Shanvac-B. Although not a novel biotechnology product, the Shanvac-B vaccine uses ...
When the lab’s plasmid arrives, they mix it into some pichia pastoris yeast which is normally pinkish, but the modified strain is bone white. It is a fickle strain and doesn’t want to accept ...
It is difficult to predict with a sufficient degree of accuracy using the techniques currently available whether a biopharmaceutical will be immunogenic when tested in humans and if so, to what ...
2014 J Nutr 144(12): 1935-42. Li Y, Chen X, Chen Y, Li Z, Cao Y. Effects of beta-mannanase expressed by Pichia pastoris in corn-soybean meal diets on broiler performance, nutrient digestibility, ...