表面上来看,《谁害怕弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫?》这部作品在午夜时分两对夫妻的酒后言谈中展开,先后以“羞辱男主人”、“激怒客人”、“干翻女主人”为游戏,充斥着争吵、谎言,也不乏戏谑、圆滑,揭开中产家庭如何生活在虚伪中,进行着日复一日的自我欺骗。吵闹中响起的《谁 ...
[SLIEDRECHT] Afgelopen zaterdag was het zover, Sliedrecht Pride in de Sliedrechtse bibliotheek. Mel Poots die de dag namens ...
[SLIEDRECHT] ‘Geloof in mij’. Dat is het thema van Sliedrecht Pride, die zaterdag 21 september plaatsvindt in de bibliotheek ...
Sopra Steria, a major Tech player in Europe with 56,000 employees in nearly 30 countries, is recognised for its consulting, digital services and software development. It helps its clients drive their ...