A while ago, [nsayer] was inspired by a Hackaday post to build one of the most insidious means of psychological warfare. I speak, of course, of the [Lord Vetinari] clock, a clock that ticks at ...
持续发展与未来规划:Ampire 公司持续致力于技术创新和产品升级,不断推出符合市场需求的新品。未来,公司计划进一步加大在汽车安全、智能驾驶和车载娱乐等领域的研发投入,积极探索人工智能、互联网车联网等新技术的应用,为客户提供更加智能、安全和便捷的汽车电子产品。
The chip in question is a 74LV8154 dual 16-bit counter which he is using as a prescaler to deliver a rate more acceptable to an ATMega328 microcontroller that does the counting. As he points out ...
The PMCC_DIV60G is a high speed (up to 60GHz) fully differential static frequency divider by 2, designed using Jazz SiGe120 (SBC18HX) technology. Differential architecture ensures substrate and power ...
In the first of a multi-part series on how to design a custom chip for under $1,000, our Analog Editor gets you started with ...