北京时间2024年9月10日凌晨,苹果召开一年一度的秋季新品发布会,今年以AI为亮点,吸引全球广泛关注。发布会以iPhone 16等重磅产品为核心,主打Apple Intelligence智能应用、AI芯片及全新机型。
对于正身处财务危机与舆论压力漩涡中的英特尔来说,其内部高端人才快速流失或将成为另一大隐患。今年8月,英特尔在公布糟糕二季度业绩和三季度业绩指引之后,宣布全球裁员15%,计划到2025年将资本支出削减100亿美元。此后又接连传出英特尔正考虑剥离晶圆制造 ...
根据物体造成的光信号的变化来计算物体的位置和深度等信息,进而复原整个三维空间,代表公司如:以色列 PrimeSense 公司 Light Coding 方案。Light ...
During the heyday of Microsoft's Xbox, there are many products of various scope that never saw the light of day for reasons ...
David Dahan也是一位出色的创业者,多年前由其创立PrimeSense公司已被苹果公司收购。此前他还曾是 DSP Group 的前首席运营官。 Ran Halutz曾就职于苹果硬件 ...
One example is PrimeSense, an Israeli 3D sensing company whose technology contributed to Apple’s FaceID. Apple has also invested in back-end technology that wouldn’t be so obvious to iPhone or ...
PrimeSense (2013), Siri (2010), Drive.ai (2010) and Spektral (2017) are some of their most notable business moves with the spectre of AI. The question therefore is, why are acquisitions happening ...