本报告基于波特五力模型,从橡胶胶管行业内现有竞争者的竞争能力、潜在竞争者进入能力、替代品的替代能力、供应商的议价能力以及下游用户的议价能力五个方面来分析橡胶胶管行业竞争格局。同时,通过对橡胶胶管行业现有竞争者的调研,给出橡胶胶管行业的企业市场份额指标 ...
As a major oil-producing country in the Middle East, Saudi Arabia has long been unwilling to tie its economic lifeline solely ...
BEIJING, Sept. 21 (Xinhua) -- There is some good news for farmers in Yinjiayuan, a village in Jiangsu Province, east China.
In terms of the proportion of elderly residents, Japan, with its record high of 29.3 percent, surpassed Italy at 24.6 percent ...
近日,清华大学公共管理学院副院长、长聘副教授,清华大学国情研究院副研究员高宇宁等在Nature旗下期刊《人文与社会科学通讯(Humanities and Social Sciences ...
果然,法国人的骨子里,还是要将游行进行到底。法国工会每年组织并呼吁游行活动也是忙得不亦乐乎。主打一个“下雨天打孩子,闲着也是闲着”。明日是中国的国庆节,而法国人已经计划来一场酣畅淋漓的大游行了。这一天的行动是在新总理迟迟未获任命和解散后政府组成混乱之 ...
Domestically, travel surged during the summer holiday, which typically runs from early July to late August. The Civil ...
星期日,奥地利国会举行选举,自由党以近3成的得票率位居第一,这是奥地利在二战后首次出现极右翼政党取得国会选举胜利。不过他们能否组成执政联盟仍是未知数,在选举后不久,反对自由党的选民已经拿出「拒绝纳粹」的口号。 CNN报导,初步官方结果显示,自由党以 ...
TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — The Ministry of National Defense (MND) on Monday (Sept. 23) denied Beijing's accusations that three ...
Explore the visionary world of Wang Shi, founder of Vanke, where he'll share insights from his transformative journey in ...
Pakistani Diplomat Reflects on New China’s 75-Year Journey of Multifaceted Progress and Shared Prosperity ...