周五,Argus将Campbell Soup Company (NASDAQ:CPB)的股票评级从持有上调至买入,新的目标价设定为59美元。这一调整是因为Campbell的股价在上一季度表现强劲,上涨了14%,超过了S&P 500指数3%的涨幅和行业ETF IYK 8%的涨幅。 公司最近公布的2024财年第四季度业绩超出了市场预期,这也促使分析师对其前景持乐观态度。报告强调了Campbell的新战 ...
拥有155年歷史的金宝汤公司(Campbell Soup Company)即将从名称中删除「汤」字,改名为金宝(Campbell's Company),象徵美国经典食品迈向多元化转型的新阶段。该公司以生产罐装浓汤闻名,还因为出现在1960年代安迪 ...
Sovos Brands (NASDAQ:SOVO) ticked down 0.3% after Campbell Soup's (NYSE:CPB) HSR filing for the planned acquisition of the maker of Rao's brand sauces was pulled.
Understand what a short sale is and why people would want to initiate a short strategy. Learn about the top five most shorted ...
Stifel维持对Campbell Soup (NASDAQ: CPB)的"持有"评级,目标价保持在50.00美元不变。 在Campbell Soup于纽约举行的投资者日活动中,公司展示了未来三年的增长预测。 修订后的增长预期包括了最近收购的Sovos业务的贡献以及不断扩大的零食部门。 此外,Campbell Soup为其业务部门设定了新的利润率目标,旨在通过进一步的成本节约措施提高盈利能力。 C ...
依据Food Engineering榜单可知,雀巢2023年的食品业绩为865亿瑞士法郎(约1018亿美元),与2022年相比有所增长,位居百强榜第一。根据雀巢2023年财报,雀巢2023年总销售额930亿瑞士法郎,2022年该数据为944亿瑞士法郎 ...
The 155-year-old Campbell Soup Company plans to drop “soup” from its corporate name and rebrand as The Campbell’s Company.
Campbell Soup Co. announced its intention to change its name at an annual meeting of investors on Tuesday. The 155-year-old ...
Campbell Soup plans to change its name after 155 years in business as it transitions its portfolio to include more products, ...
Although the brand's red and white cans have become iconic, Campbell's has decided that it might be time for a name change.
Just in time for soup season, the 155-year-old Campbell Soup Company is making a major change. While the brand will still be ...