In addition, CpG DNA–induced splenocyte proliferation and dendritic cell maturation are also completely abolished in TLR9-deficient mice. Finally, TLR9 was shown to be required for NF-κB and ...
Two weeks following the final immunization, splenocytes were harvested from the mice. Lymphocytes were counted using a hemocytometer, and a splenocyte suspension was prepared with a cell concentration ...
Leukocyte-directed, small interfering (si)RNA against cyclin D1 shows promise for treatment of inflammatory bowel disease. Active targeting is notoriously difficult to achieve. Whereas passive ...
Luna-fl是一款兼具明场和荧光通道的细胞计数仪,可有效实现小于5um的细胞计数,利用荧光染色技术大大提高了计数的准确性和稳定性,同时又将计数成本降到了最低。Luna-fl是Logos Biosystems公司开发的最新一代产品,可以说是细胞计数的终极武器。 韩国Logos ...
Using splenocyte replenishment and bone marrow chimeras, we show that RAG suppresses ILC2 activation and expansion in a cell-intrinsic manner. Employing a RAG1-lineage reporter mouse line, we ...
Generating recombinant monoclonal antibodies (R-mAbs) from mAb-producing hybridomas offers numerous advantages that increase the effectiveness, reproducibility, and transparent reporting of research.
splenocyte or peripheral blood lymphocyte-derived T-cell lines, as well as the production of lymphokine-activated killer (LAK) cells. Sino Biological has come up with high-activity IL-2 proteins ...
Objectives Activation of endosomal toll-like receptor (TLR)7 or TLR9 has been proposed as a critical step for the initiation and development of SLE. Traditional spontaneous lupus models normally ...
The bortezomib plus MSC combination restored TLR expression and Treg frequency in blood and normalised FLS and splenocyte proliferation, apoptosis and cytokine secretion. Conclusion MSC lose their ...
Objective To investigate the effect of adipose-derived mesenchymal stromal cells (ASCs) on the activation state of macrophages (MΦ) in vitro, and the potential therapeutic effect of these cells in ...