加利福尼亚州FOSTER CITY - 专注于开发肿瘤和肥胖症治疗方法的生物制药公司Terns Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NASDAQ:TERN)今天宣布计划通过公开发行普通股和预付认股权证筹集1.25亿美元。该公司还计划向承销商提供30天期权,以购买价值高达1875万美元的额外股份。
Terns的首席医疗官Emil Kuriakose表示:“我们对TERN-601的强效GLP-1受体激动作用感到非常兴奋,其独特的药物特性允许通过每日一次给药实现持续的靶向覆盖,并且我们已经能够评估高达740毫克的剂量,同时保持良好的耐受性。”公司计划在2025年将该药物推进至第二阶段的临床试验。
Terns plans to move to a Phase 2 trial for its TERN-601 small-molecule GLP-1 receptor agonist and will submit the latest data ...
周一,Jefferies将Terns Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ:TERN)的股票目标价从之前的22.00美元上调至30.00美元,同时维持买入评级。此次调整是基于TERN-601的1期临床试验结果,该结果显示出令人鼓舞的成果,符合分析师的乐观预期。
Terns Pharmaceuticals said its oral obesity drug reduced weight by an average of 4.9% in an early-stage study, joining ...
Terns Pharmaceuticals’ weight-loss pill has proved effective in a small trial, but still has much to prove before it can ...
Terns Pharmaceuticals (TERN.US)的每日一次GLP-1受体激动剂TERN-601在早期临床试验中展现了治疗肥胖症的积极效果。在一项为期28天的多次递增剂量试验中,TERN-601显示出良好的耐受性,并且在所有三个剂量水平 ...
Terns Pharmaceuticals said its oral obesity drug reduced weight by an average of 4.9% in an early stage study, joining ...
Terns Pharmaceuticals this morning reported that its small molecule GLP-1 pill led to weight loss in a short Phase 1 study, ...
Statistically significant mean weight loss up to 5.5% over 28 days (4.9% placebo adjusted) Well-tolerated with no ...
The release of early-stage data on three oral weight loss drug candidates hints at which companies have the strongest hand, ...
Terns Pharmaceuticals' TERN-601 shows impressive weight loss results in a phase 1 study. Read my thoughts on this weight loss ...