What if you could get vaccinated with the ease of putting on an adhesive bandage? This is the promise of microneedle patches (MNP), which are essentially what they sound like. These would also ...
The ROC method entails using PCR primers that contain regions of RNA sequence that cannot be copied by certain thermostable DNA polymerases. Using such a chimeric primer in PCR would yield a ...
当前,生物技术革命浪潮席卷全球并加速融入经济社会发展,为人类应对生命健康、气候变化、资源能源安全、粮食安全等重大挑战提供了崭新的解决方案。总部位于丹麦的诺和新元集团(下称诺和新元)就是代表性企业之一。由诺维信和科汉森两家历史悠久的企业合并而成的诺和新 ...
Denaturation is a permanent change. Some enzymes (e.g. in biological washing powders) are thermostable, meaning they can work at a wide range of temperatures. This allows biological washing powder ...
The authors are recipients of funding by the European Journalism Centre, through the Solutions Journalism Accelerator. This ...
To address this limitation, the team developed a thermostable enzyme, HotPETase, which is active at 70°C, which is above the glass transition temperature of PET. This enzyme can depolymerise ...
doi: 10.1186/s12934-020-1286-7. 22. Agrawal D, Basotra N, Balan V, Tsang A, Chadha BS. (2020) Discoveryand Expression of Thermostable LPMOs from Thermophilic Fungi for ProducingEfficient ...