2023年9月,长亮科技携手华为仅用时35天,就完成了菲律宾UnionDigital Bank(以下简称“UDB”)贷款核心系统的成功上线,创造了海外数字金融的“中国速度”!随后,UDB快速推出了全新个人小额线上贷款服务,并获得市场积极反馈,通过提供敏捷、创新的数字化服务,让金融服务加速普及数百万当地民众。
Uganda Development Bank has urged Small Scale Businessmen in Nakaseke to apply for cheap and patient loans to avoid risks ...
新闻回顾9月8日,我们播出了新闻《被挡住的“出租车候客点”》。点击查看此前报道:候客点停车多次被罚,贵阳的哥直呼冤枉:设施不合理,持续两年多!多方回应在花果园中央商务区停车场出入口路边,物业安装的一排人行道护栏不仅拦住了乘客,也挡住了出租车。为此,出 ...
Uganda Development Bank (UDB) a government fully owned bank has a formidable shs1.6 trillion bank in assets, providing ...
After Miami-Dade commissioners voted to defer a final decision until their Nov. 6 meeting, Miramar Mayor Wayne Messam ...
The left-wing political group, Union démocratique brétonne (UDB), launched the petition, writing that "Brittany does not lack ...
结直肠癌是全球第三常见的癌症,胃肠镜检查是早期诊疗的金标准,对于晚发现的大于两厘米的肿瘤,很多患者需要接受腹腔镜手术甚至开放性手术,导致患者康复时间较长。近年来,位于苏州工业园区的惟握医疗科技,正准备推出一款新型柔性内窥镜机器人,兼容现有任何标准的胃肠镜,能够精确有效地切除病变。惟握医疗科技总部位于 ...
Over the years, he has turned Ndere into one of the biggest brands; a paragon of performing arts, Ugandan cultural tourism ...
High interest rates are also evident in other sub-Saharan economies. London-based Economist Charlie Robertson in his book, ...
After a week of wrangling between Brussels and Ljubljana, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen designated ...