At last report, MicroStrategy owned 226,500 Bitcoins with a market value around $14 billion. It touts itself as "the largest ...
According to a report from cryptocurrency trading platform SFOX, bitcoin emerged from 2019 with low volatility and as an uncorrelated macro asset. Bitcoin enjoyed a near 100 percent price gain over ...
But BlackRock also highlighted that bitcoin has “no traditional counterparty risk, depends on no centralized system, and is ...
【宝马集团投资云仿真公司Simr】 美国加州时间5月21日,宝马集团旗下风险投资公司BMW i Ventures宣布对Simr进行投资。Simr是一家云仿真公司,为工程师提供一个可使用任何计算资源和任何领先仿真工具的单一平台。该公司新推出仿真操作自动化(SimOps)平台。Simr获得了2000万美元的A轮融资,由Uncorrelated Ventures领投,BMW i Ventures和Ear ...
In the DDM, noisy evidence is accumulated into a decision variable until reaching one of the two bounds, representing commitment to one of two choices (e.g., left or right). In general, the average ...
Alternatively, a small sample size may yield uncorrelated findings when the two variables are in fact linked. Correlation is often skewed when an outlier is present. Correlation only shows how one ...
The excessive cosolute densities in the intracellular fluid create a physicochemical condition called macromolecular crowding (MMC). Intracellular MMC entropically maintains the biochemical ...
UBS analysts in a note flagged that hedge funds, especially those using non-directional strategies, took advantage of market ...
Evoke Advisor’s Alex Shahidi and David Hou explain how their firm’s size helps them tap the best opportunities in alternative ...
Insurance-linked securities (ILS) such as catastrophe bonds are seen as a versatile and adaptable diversifying strategy that ...
If your idea of a diversified portfolio is one that only needs growth and value stocks, it’s a good thing you’re reading this ...
Startup Orb is developing a platform with billing tools software businesses can use so they don't have to create their own -- ...