Shan built Glaze and Nightshade, two tools that help artists protect their copyright. Shawn Shan is one of MIT Technology ...
Frank Li, assistant professor in the School of Cybersecurity and Privacy and the School of Electrical and Computer ...
Georgia Tech researchers are revealing a shocking truth: your favorite browser extensions might be secretly snooping on your personal information.
近日, 西电网信院马建峰教授团队的最新研究成果Watch the Rhythm: Breaking Privacy with Accelerometer at the Extremely-Low Sampling Rate of 5Hz 被 ACM ...
Google over the past week has taken numerous steps to better Chrome users, including taking new steps toward reducing the use ...
Browser extensions, the software add-ons that help users customize and enhance their web browsers, are wildly popular. Some of the most-used ...
Databricks and have partnered to simplify the process of connecting enterprise unstructured data to AI systems to ...
中国教育报-中国教育新闻网讯(通讯员 张蕾 记者 冯丽)近日,西安电子科技大学网信院马卓教授团队最新研究成果被第45届国际信息安全顶会IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy(IEEE S&P 2024)全文收录。第一作者为马卓教授,通信作者为杨易龙博士生和刘洋副教授,合作作者包括北京大学杨仝长聘副教授、西安电子科技大学李腾副教授以及浙江大学秦湛研究员。