9月10日,晋江市医院(上海六院福建医院)心血管内科团队成功完成泉州首例应用IVUS-OCT同步成像指导行心脏支架介入手术。一根导管、一次扫描成像完成两项血管内影像检查,冠心病诊治实现既精又准,标志着我医心血管内科冠心病介入诊疗迈入“精准融合 ...
中国航空新闻网讯:据“飞行国际”8月20日报道,西科斯基公司于8月19日向美国海军陆战队交付了第23架、也是最后一架VH-92A总统直升机,至此美国总统行政空运服务新机队计划正式完成。 据美国海军陆战队称,新的VH-92A直升机是西科斯基S-92直升机的衍生型号 ...
VH IVUS imaging provides a colorized tissue map of plaque composition with automated lumen and vessel measurements. VH IVUS technology uses advanced, proprietary spectral analysis techniques to ...
+Just My Socks是目前非常火热的一个Shadowsocks/V2ray服务商(机场),由搬瓦工官方推出,每个服务提供5条线路,包括最快的CN2 GIA ...
8月19日,美国海军陆战队终于获准使用新型“海军陆战队一号”,这是美国总统首次乘坐VH-92A“爱国者(Patriot)”总统专机。 8月19日,美国总统乔·拜登在伊利诺伊州芝加哥的奥黑尔国际机场登上VH-92“海军陆战队一号”,飞往芝加哥士兵球场,出席在该市举行 ...
Virtual histological reconstruction by intravascular ultrasound (VH-IVUS) is a validated technique that allows us to determine the histological composition of coronary atherosclerotic plaque.1 Fibrous ...
IVUS (iMap™ IVUS Tissue Characterization [Boston Scientific Corp., MN, USA]) and virtual histology (VH)-IVUS (Eagle Eye™, Volcano Therapeutics Inc., CA, USA). Both methods were designed to ...
Introduction Previous work has shown that plaque composition in stented vessels determined by virtual histology intravascular ultrasound (VH-IVUS) predicts myocardial necrosis after percutaneous ...
SyncVision’s Co-registration measures accurate length even with a manual pullback. VH IVUS imaging provides a colorized tissue map of plaque composition with automated lumen and vessel measurements.
Background Prospective VH-IVUS studies indicate that <10% higher-risk plaques cause clinical events over 3 years, indicating that other factors also determine plaque rupture. Plaque rupture is ...