By demonstrating the ability for joint observations at the short radio wavelength of 0.87mm, the Event Horizon Telescope has ...
Here on Earth, it might not matter if your wristwatch runs a few seconds slow. But crucial spacecraft functions need accuracy ...
Want a clear view of a supermassive black hole's environment? It's an incredible observational challenge. The extreme gravity ...
去年,JWST偶然在宇宙中拍到了个诡异的“问号”。很快这张照片就在网上疯传,“世界果然是虚拟出来的,你看,渲染出BUG了吧”。于是乎,天文学家将JWST重新对准该区域进行了专门的拍摄。2024年9月,JWST团队将最新的观测结果公布于众,并向人们揭示 ...
Read The Optical Atomic Strontium Ion Clock is a higher-precision atomic clock that is small enough to fit on a ...
Labor's attempts to put its housing bills to a vote in parliament have been thwarted, with the rest of the Senate teaming up ...
长白山 40 米口径射电望远镜是一架全实面、全可动、高精度、多用途的地平式射电望远镜,将承担 我国探月工程四期 和深空探测的甚长基线干涉(VLBI)测定轨等任务。
拿不下此局那就太亏了,高人取胜手段五花八门,别轻易放弃 ...
五天以来无人拿得下,质疑摆错棋的大有人在,大师却有神技 ...