WC3L第七赛季第五轮第二日的比赛也已经开始了,Sweet虽然无缘WEG8强,但是这并未影响他在这场WC3L的比赛中solo和组队比赛的发挥,同时SK的另二名 ...
Undoubtedly the best player of United Kingdom has returned to his former team nGize as Benjamin "DeMusliM" Baker is enlisted as a new member on the WC3L page. At the same time, Belgian Night Elf ...
Great! It wasn't that unexpected though, although it was nice considering we couldn't show up for WC3L Season 6 playoffs because we were in Korea. - No one else wanted to team with him! Kidding! We ...
In the WarCraft 3 League (WC3L), the 12 best e-sport teams meet and battle it out for the crown in the War Craft 3 strategy game in real time. Once again, only Shuttle XPCs will be used at the ...
☉《冰封王座》1.13版英文、简体、繁体中文及免CD补丁下载 [12-19] ☉《冰封王座》精彩录像:凶猛的兽族 [12-18] ☉《冰封王座》Q版VS写实,你喜欢哪一种风格的CG? [12-18] ☉CIG《冰封王座》总 ...
昨天结束的二场比赛中其中一场是值得关注的:状态一下低迷64AMD状态终于有所恢复4-0 全胜IT。今天晚上WC3L比赛中64AMD还将和3wD进行一场激战。敬请 ...