强力推荐:第四季度WC3L总决赛视频集锦 ArmaTeam在第四季度的WC3L总决赛上所摄下的高清晰视频的集锦,其中包括WC3L各路高手的精彩表演,强烈推荐 ...
WC3L第七赛季第五轮第二日的比赛也已经开始了,Sweet虽然无缘WEG8强,但是这并未影响他在这场WC3L的比赛中solo和组队比赛的发挥,同时SK的另二名 ...
Undoubtedly the best player of United Kingdom has returned to his former team nGize as Benjamin "DeMusliM" Baker is enlisted as a new member on the WC3L page. At the same time, Belgian Night Elf ...
[12-01] ☉《冰封王座》ClanBase国家杯Belarus vs Romania最新战报及录像下载 [12-01] ☉《冰封王座》最强的两支战队的碰撞SK vs 4K录像 [11-30] ☉《冰封王座》另一种风格的Q版魔兽CG [11-27] ☉《冰封王座》顶级赛事WC3L DSky vs [pG]录像 [11-27] ☉《冰封王座》刺激RPG地图 ...
Great! It wasn't that unexpected though, although it was nice considering we couldn't show up for WC3L Season 6 playoffs because we were in Korea. - No one else wanted to team with him! Kidding! We ...
In the WarCraft 3 League (WC3L), the 12 best e-sport teams meet and battle it out for the crown in the War Craft 3 strategy game in real time. Once again, only Shuttle XPCs will be used at the ...